Hu Yun
Attending doctor of
acupuncture. Dr. Hu, PhD of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,
specializes in Skeletal and muscular
disorders, internal medicine diseases,gynecological disease, ENT diseases,
dermatology disease with special traditional therapies such as needle,
moxibustion, acupotomy, blood-letting, cupping, point application, herbs,
embedded wire, drug penetration,
thumb-tack needle, cutaneous needle, fire needle. In the last decade of
teaching and clinical practices, Dr. Hu accumulated much effective experiences
on injury of muscle and tendon, apoplexy, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tinnitus and
deafness, menstrual disorder, arthritis, constipation, joint sprain, muscle
strain, eczema, urticaria, acne, insomnia.